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Is Mineral Oil Such A Good Thing?_Otara Cosmetics

May 31, 2022

Is Mineral Oil Such A Good Thing?_Otara Cosmetics

Mineral oil sounds great because of how much we are told mineral makeup is amazing, but mineral oil actually is bad for the skin! Skincare expert Caroline Hirons explains why it hinders your skincare in some of her interviews I've seen.

Here is what I know about mineral oil.

Mineral oil is actually a by product of petroleum. When this is extracted from the ground, it’s left to settle and a layer of scum forms on top. This can’t be used for plastics, or petrol, or in the food industry, so it’s sold off for cheap to the cosmetics industry. Have you ever noticed when using Vaseline, you have to keep applying and applying because your lips only stay moisturised for a short while? This is because mineral oil forms a barrier to the skin and it can't breathe. So if it's in your skincare, it will block all the other good ingredients you put on afterwards from being absorbed in the skin. Pointless right!

Many customers want to use products with plant based oils, the skin can then actually absorb all the goodness and breathe! Otara can offer mineral oil free makeup.Please contact us if you are interested.